
Defibrillators can be found at the following locations with the What3words location:

  • Market Place, at the back of the bus shelter, next to the disabled toilet, publicly accessible 24/7- belief.trouser.universal
  • The recreation ground, to the left of the public toilets, opposite tennis club, beside the toilets, publicly accessible 24/7- stewing.talked.prettiest
  • The Olney Centre, on the library wall on the High Street side of the building, publicly accessible 24/7 - shorthand.bullion.unable
  • The Olney Centre, West Street entrance, on the wall of the shed in front of the gates, publicly accessible 24/7 - blemishes.flatten.nurse
  • Olney Town Colts, on front of building at recreation ground, publicly accessible 24/7 - furniture.contained.ditched
  • Olney Town Colts, Crouches Field, in locked container available when matches are on - unheated.factories.removal
  • Olney Rugby Club, recreation ground on the outdoor hut, publicly accessible 24/7 - goose.occupiers.emperor
  • Olney Cricket Club, recreation ground on Pavilion wall, publicly accessible 24/7 - column.turned.mild
  • East Street Community Centre, MK46 4DH, behind the fire station, publicly accessible 24/7 -
  • Tesco Express, Market Place inside front door to left, publicly accessible during opening hours - passage.snowboard.dandelions
  • Carlton House Club, 38 High Street behind the bar, available during opening hours - fellow.eased.torches
  • Allotments, on the external wall of the community cabin, publicly accessible 24/7 manicured.contents.causes
  • St Peter & St Paul church, on the external porch wall, Church Street MK46 4AD, publicly accessible 24/7- barbarian.objective.bidder

There are others that may only be available when someone is on the premises.

In an emergency call 999. The operator will know if a defibrillator is needed and where it is located; they will give instructions to its whereabouts and the code to access it.

The machine will talk to you! It gives precise instructions to follow whilst an ambulance is on the way.

These defibrillators now also house an emergency bleed kit, sponsored by the Olney Town Colts Football Club.

Back to facilities

Tel: (01234) 711679 Tel: 01234 711679
Town Clerk: Jane Brushwood
Deputy Town Clerk: Rob Mungham
Admin Assistant: Laura Watts

The Olney Centre
High Street,
MK46 4EF

Office hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm.
The Olney Centre is a licensed venue for weddings. Rooms are also available for hire at The Olney Centre. If you wish to enquire about hiring a room or holding your wedding ceremony or reception at the venue please call the office on 01234 711679, email or complete and submit the online enquiry form.